- Cinemas
- Movie Premiere
- Corporate Meetings
- Opera
- Symphony
- Plays
- Ballet
- Musicals
- Parking Lot/Garage
Whether you are in a movie cinema or a performing arts theater, it makes sense to increase your theater security with an off duty law enforcement presence. The challenge is to maintain high police visibility without creating an oppressive atmosphere for your customers. However, officers with the proper disposition can be difficult to locate if you do not have time to properly vet the officer.
ODS provides off duty police officers with the courtesy and experience to effectively work in your locations. We select officers for their sensitivity to customers and employees, along with their experience working in high-traffic environments. We match an officer’s experience and their agency’s culture to the unique protection needs of the situation they will be placed in. This means our officers come from agencies requiring courtesy and respect, while interacting with the public.
Off Duty Law Enforcement at 1 or 500 Locations
Finding, vetting, contracting, scheduling and paying off duty police officers for all your locations can quickly become a full time distraction from your real job. ODS can save you from that time consuming worry. Using our proprietary database of more than 20,000 active, certified and skilled officers, we can place officers in all your selected locations throughout the United States.
Request for Service
Service Guaranteed
“The best sales pitch and the slickest brochure mean nothing to the client who cannot reach their security provider in an emergency. Our operations personnel are available 24/7 to schedule service and answer questions”.
- Brian Stewart, Vice President of Off Duty Services
Get In Touch
Corporate Headquarters
580 Westlake Park Blvd, Suite 400
Houston, TX 77079
Telephone: (281) 346.2188
Fax: (281) 574.8478